Economic Freedom Fighters Tshwane Sub-Regional leader in Mamelodi Bongani King Ramontja has vowed to adopt the Mahube Secondary School, which is the best-performing school in Mamelodi in terms of the 2024 Matric results.
The school obtained a 97,3% passing mark ahead of more fancied schools like Ribane Laka and Mamelodi Secondary schools.
Ramontja visited the school on Monday morning to assess as to how and where the EFF can lend a hand to the school in terms of resources.
He also took an opportunity and talked to Grade 12 learners.
He was accompanied by fellow fighters from different wards.
“We want to show the kids that we are not only here to inspire and encourage them but are here to also check upon the state of readiness of the school and to check what it is that the school needs from the EFF, because we believe that giving encouragement to the learners without material support is a waste of time,” said Ramontja.
“One of the things we have discovered is that the containers that are used as classrooms are not conducive to the teaching and learning process, because when the weather is hot, they are extremely hot, and when the weather is cold, they are extremely cold,” he said.
“We are here to adopt the school, we don’t want it to drop from its 2024 Matric pass mark, but we want it to instead achieve the 100% pass mark that it is aiming for, so we will therefore hear from the school’s authorities as to what their needs are and then lend a hand accordingly,” explained Ramontja.
“We will also assist in terms of furniture, and we have also realised that there is no lap top or computer at the school,” he said.
Ramontja said the EFF will come up with a variety of programmes to inspire the learners of Mahube Valley, which would include bringing to the school EFF members who possess outstanding academic qualifications fully dressed in their academic regalia.
“I am referring to lawyers, doctors etc that have been produced by the EFF so that they can regale the the kids with stories of how they started out in their academic endeavours until they eventually achieved success,” he said.
“A black child has to go through so much at home and at school, so we want to serve as mediators and advocates of change in the community of Mamelodi and sub-Region 5 as a whole, and Mahube Valley Secondary is one of the schools that we will give our support to as the EFF, this as it is our responsibility as an organisation to give to the community,” he said.
Addressing the learners Ramontja said the following:
“I been sent by the region, i been sent by the province of Gauteng because EFF is one of the organisation that advocate on behalf of the education.
They are very sensitive point when mention your education, is one of the tools that can bring success in your life, and they understand that as a black child coming from dysfunctional family or disadvantage family even the disadvantage environment of our township we still stand and advocate that education is very important and when the organisation when was formed, the first thing they did they took some of the learners to school,” said Ramontja addressing the grade 12 learners of Mahube Valley secondary school.

Chairperson of Mahube Valley Secondary School SGB Wilberforce Mxhosa told Tshwane Talks that that he really appreciated the support pledged by the EFF to the school.
“It takes a village to nurture a child and EFF’s support will come in handy in our efforts to make the school function optimally,” he said.
“Our school is in real need, and we use containers, there is a huge difference between us and a school that is built in brick and mortar, our learners are suffering, but we have to make do with what we have at our disposal at the moment,” he said.
“We would really appreciate the support of EFF so much and we are looking forward to build a strong relationship with EFF,” said Mxhosa.