Seven caring residents of Mamelodi are on a mission to turn the township into a vibrant, real city that it deserves to be.
The residents, namely Kamogelo Kekana, Phakade Tsiane, Patricia Masinga Thobejane, Lehlogonolo Magodielo, Moshe Sebotsane, Modisane Magodielo and Kgosietsile Magodielo, opine that the township can excel in various activities including sports, academics, business and culture.
Towards this end, they have embarked upon a rejuvenation programme called “Mamelodi City.”
The programme was launched on Saturday at Tshweu Lifestyle.
Various prominent people in the community including educators, business people, government officials, lawyers, doctors and politicians attended the launch.
The attendant guests were given a chance to interact with panelists to discuss pressing issues in Mamelodi and try to find a way forward in this regard.
Former inmate Phakade Tsiane shared his criminal past life story and begged for forgiveness from residents of Mamelodi in general for all the crimes he committed.

Advocate Patricia Masinga also shared her illustrious history with the guests.
Mamelodi City founder member Kamogelo Kekana told Tshwane Talks that about a month and a half ago, the founders of the programme met for lunch right at Tshweu Lifestyle and the conversation on that day wasn’t just about supporting local businesses but was a catalyst for a much larger vision.
“That conversation sparked the idea of what it would actually to truly rejuvenate Mamelodi and that is what we are unveiling today,” he said.
“While sitting over lunch on that day, we realised that Mamelodi was no longer the same; that it was changing every day and the youth are learning bad habits because of the township’s current situation,” said Kekana.
He said the essence to rejuvenate Mamelodi is about the community coming together to forge a massive transformative purpose.
He stressed that the transformative purpose was nit only for today but was also for the generations to come,” said Kekana while also emphasising that they want to see Mamelodi going back to its former glory.
“Our vision for Mamelodi is built on five strategic pillars:
1. Education- We propose working towards launching the Mamelodi Institute of Excellence, which entails a secondary school focused on fostering critical skills and knowledge, particularly in the future of work.
2. Job creation- We propose an aggressive focus on ups killing our unemployed community members through practical trades like plumbing, electric work, as well as promoting small-scale farming within the borders of Mamelodi.
3. Arts and Culture and Tourism – We aim to celebrate and share our rich heritage, attracting visitors and having pride in Mamelodi.
4. Local Business Upliftment: We propose a Proudly Mamelodi certification, which will set standards and norms for businesses that operate in Mamelodi.
5. Security and Cleanliness-We propose implementing a neighbourhood watch system, accompanied by a clean streets initiative to ensure our community is safe and clean, where everyone, especially women and children, can feel secure at any time,” said Kekana.
“We wanna thank the owner of this beautiful establishment of Tsweu Life Style Peter for allowing us to use the place and our guests for being here it means a lot to us,” he said.