Interview with Tshwane leader

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By Peter Mothiba

PAC Tshwane leader Sibusiso Xaba
PAC Tshwane leader Sibusiso Xaba

This week one on one session with Tshwane PAC leader Sbusiso Xaba

1. Has the PAC in Tshwane already started campaigning for this year’s elections?

The campaign in Tshwane has commenced. Our registration promotion efforts had a
significant impact in Ga-Rankuwa, Soshanguve, and Hammanskraal. Subsequently, there is increased intensity to engaging communities to vote for the PAC in Atteridgeville, Mamelodi and to a limited extent Olievenhoutbosch.

2. In general terms, what does the PAC promise the people of Tshwane in particular and South Africans in general?

National security is pivotal to the well-being of our citizenry. Therefore, we are dedicated to implementing innovative strategies to address issues such as crime, food insecurity, and unemployment.

3. Is the PAC willing to enter into a coalition with any other party after the 2024 general elections?

The PAC stands ready to engage with other stakeholders; however, such
engagements do not emanate from a posture of desperation. In coalitions, PAC seeks advantage for its constituencies, not cushy jobs for its leaders.

4. What’s your stand point on coalition governments seeing that they have failed at municipal

The PAC does not concur with the assessment that coalitions in local governments have been unsuccessful. Coalitions have been a source of significant discomfort for individuals or parties that had a monopoly of power for an extended period.

Through collaboration in Metros, the
PAC and other parties have enhanced oversight effectiveness. The availability of information has significantly improved in contrast to the previously restrictive systems prevalent in governments dominated by a single party.

Notwithstanding slow decision making, there are improvements in the quality of decisions.

5. Explain your alliance with Azapo regarding the elections. The establishment of the AZAPO party was a continuation of the political principles and objectives established by the PAC.

Therefore, the relationship between the two parties is characterised by a natural affinity and alignment.
This relationship extends beyond electoral considerations, as both parties are committed to the same social order and share common values. In terms of elections, the PAC and AZAPO held a summit where they committed to providing logistical assistance to each other to facilitate voter registration and ensure the security of each other’s votes.

This collaboration demonstrates the close cooperation and mutual support between the two parties, further reinforcing their shared commitment to achieving their political goals.

6. What is your policy regarding the much-talked-about land expropriation without compensation?

It is a step forward, however it moves from a weak premise. This policy
assumes the ownership of land. The PAC policy is land restoration in line with thinking in customary law. Meaning, all land should be restored to common property under the administration of the people’s government.

There should be no ownership, the government should administrator zoning and the right to use.

7. What is your opinion regarding the tender system that is used by the government to render
services to the people?

The PAC policy on tender is straightforward. All services that are
rendered on a daily basis should either be in sourced or delivered by a specialised organ of the state.

There exists no valid reason to outsource office security, office accommodation, office cleaning, IT support, and so forth. However, there are complex one-time services that can be procured through the tender system.

Further, it is in the government’s best interests to foster economic development through the procurement of manufactured goods via a transparent and competitive tendering process.

8. Does the PAC support constituency-based representation in Parliament?

The PAC espouses a hybrid electoral system at the national level that has proven to be effective in the local government.

This hybrid model incorporates proportional representation and ward
systems in local government. The introduction of constituencies electing national parliamentarians will facilitate the elimination of district councils, provincial legislatures, and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP).

The NCOP and provincial legislatures have been identified as breeding grounds for tribalism and secessionism, necessitating their urgent removal from the government. Furthermore, district councils are deemed to have limited value beyond the local municipality.

The elimination of these legislative structures aims to reduce the cost of governance and redirect resources towards service delivery. Inclusivity is essential, ensuring that all voices are heard in the decision-making process.

9. How will the PAC change the present education system?

Contemporary education methods contribute to the creation of professionals who align with colonial perspectives and values.

The PAC aims to dismantle the lingering colonial influence in the education system. This objectiveinvolves integrating artisan training into primary and secondary school curricula. By developing practical skills,graduates will have enhanced employment opportunities upon completing their
studies, including self-employment, entry into the industrial sector, and engagement in the agricultural sector.
Additionally, the PAC seeks to transform the educational approach from rote memorization to a critical thinking orientation. This shift will emphasise the importance of critical analysis and
problem-solving skills. Moreover, the PAC advocates for the inclusion of African history and customary law in the curriculum, replacing the current settler-oriented historical narrative.
The core objective of higher education, as outlined in the PAC Policy, is to be strongly rooted in research. Research leads to invention and innovation.

10. Does the PAC still maintain that this country should be renamed Azania? Some people say
Azania is also a ” directional ” name like the name South Africa. The Pan-Africanist Congress
(PAC) upholds its official stance on the naming of the nation. In accordance with the principlecthat the namer holds ownership, maintaining the current nomenclature, the Republic of South
Africa, would imply the continued possession of the land by the settlers. Consequently, it is imperative that a change be made. Azania is an appropriate alternative name as it possesses
historical roots in the illustrious civilization that engaged in trade with the rest of Africa and Asia.

11. Does the PAC still ascribe to the slogan “One Settler One bullet?” The fundamental principles that underpin this slogan retain their relevance in the contemporary era. The slogan
emphasised the significance of efficiency and effectiveness. It advocated for a profound understanding of one’s adversaries and the judicious allocation of resources to confront them. In the pursuit of empowering Africans, electoral votes, rather than armed conflict, serve as the primary means of achieving genuine power. This approach fosters self-reliance and
self-determination, empowering individuals and communities to shape their own destinies.

12. The PAC has been plagued by many internal wrangles in the past and in recent times. What
steps has the party taken to make ensure that this becomes a thing of the past which will never
again occur in the party? The PAC allows for internal disagreement within the confines of the established ideological stance. A previous error was to treat the ideology as a rigid dogma
rather than a malleable science. Externally, the PAC has faced formidable challenges from powerful imperialists with advanced subversion capabilities, including the fomenting of conflicts.
Despite the aforementioned challenges, the PAC undertook the task of formalising its internal decision-making processes and resource allocation mechanisms. The intervention of the court contributed to enhancing the recognition and adoption of revolutionary professionalism in the
conduct of PAC political operations.

13. Do you have plans to solve the water and electricity crisis that have bee plaguing residents
of Tshwane, especially townships? Townships were designed to put consistent pressure on the
African mind. It is a problem that has been adopted as a solution. The PAC will conduct town planning that radically redesigns human settlement in urban areas to reduce congestion. This
includes expanding the capacity of infrastructure. Tshwane has power stations that are not
operational, while the ratepayers are experiencing load shedding. The PAC will empower the technical department with engineering expertise to maintain these power stations or expand water purification plants required by the City of Tshwane. This is in contrast to the DA outsourcing or the ANC abandonment policies.

14. Your solution to porous borders and illegal foreigners please? PAC is working towards the
United States of Africa, where this question does arise for Africans. Therefore, the policy
position separates people from Africans and foreigners. All Africans should have a shared population register with identification and behavioural data so that undesirable elements should
be restricted from intra-continental movement. Foreigners from Asia, Europe and Americas should stick to their visas and those visas be granted on possible contributions to the development of the countries. Africans in diaspora should be granted an automatic right of

15. How will the PAC create jobs in South Africa? The Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania
actively advocates for industrialisation as a crucial driver of economic development. The
organisation strongly believes that nations should strive to consume products manufactured domestically, thereby fostering a favourable trade balance. Existing legislation provides the framework to control strategic minerals. The PAC intends to utilise this law to enforce mandatory
beneficiation, aiming to establish a robust industrial capacity capable of absorbing a larger workforce.

Furthermore, the PAC will leverage the redistribution of land to align with the
education system. This strategic approach aims to combat unemployment by promoting the establishment of worker-owned businesses and generating sustainable employment opportunities. Each municipality shall be distinguished for its specialisation in the manufacture of a specific product

16. How will the PAC improve the performance of the police? PAC is of the view that there are too many people in the SAPS, Public Safety and Metro Police that do not have the passion for
policing. Through the use of psychological analysis and crime intelligence, the PAC will rebalance the police service by assigning unsuitable members of other parts of civil service.
Remove nepotism and recruit people with a natural tendency towards detective work, while calculating practices of prevention policing. Police will be directed to have a good relationship
with the community they serve. The PAC shall make investments in the elevation of community awareness pertaining to the avoidance of creating circumstances conducive to victimisation.

In addition, police should properly resource physical and surveillance digital resources to fight

17. Your comment regarding the government’s decision to send our soldiers to the Democratic
Republic of Congo?

The maintenance of military preparedness at a high level is essential, and
opportunities to provide combat experience should be embraced. The associated costs are, therefore, justified. Conversely, Africa must assume responsibility for its own security and conflict resolution.

Members of the UN mission have been accused of engaging in mineral theft
rather than enforcing peace, necessitating their replacement.

Diplomacy, however, must guide
military actions. The resolution of underlying grievances of belligerents should be the ultimate objective.

1 thought on “Interview with Tshwane leader”

  1. I’m going to read again the interview it sounds interesting, however my immediate concern though is lack of PAC structures particularly in Mamelodi. PAC is not visible let alone active


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