Amid brouhaha in social media circles about 13 decomposed bodies having been discovered inside a derelict building in the Pretoria CBD, the Tshwane Emergency Services insist only two such bodies were discovered.
Reports on Tik Tok media suggested that 13 decomposed bodies belonging to nyaope addicts, together with separate human bones were discovered yesterday at a government building which stands like a white elephant at the moment and is frequented by the addicts who have vandalised it and use it as a place of abode.
The reports further suggest that these nyaope boys commit crimes in the streets and hide themselves in the self-same building.
According to a media statement released by the Tshwane Emergency Services Deputy Chief of Public Information and Media Liason Thabo Charles Mabaso on wednesday, their firefighters were notified about a building that was in fire at Corner Bosman and Pretorius Streets at around 4.32 am.
“Upon arrival at the scene, firefighters found that the building was not on fire but that there was a man who had fallen to the basement of the building through a lift shaft,” said Mabaso.
“Police were also at the scene and they requested the emergency services personnel to assist with lights and provide access to the fallen victim,” he said.
Mabaso said an opening was cut on the still door of the basement garage and a step ladder was used to access the victim.
“The victim, who happened to be male, was rescued, treated, and transported to hospital in a stable condition,” he said.
“Upon further investigation of the scene firefighters discovered two decomposed bodies floating in the water in a lift shaft and the scene was immediately declared a crime scene by the South African Police Services (SAPS),”said Mabaso.
“However, Emergency Services personnel remained on the scene to assist with the recovery of the two bodies under the command of the SAPS.
According to Mabaso, the cause of the death of the deceased men and the circumstances that led to the injury of the rescued man are under police investigation.