Members of the EFF’s Sub Region 5 in Tshwane have on Monday shut down the ongoing Pienaarspoort relocation process that has been started in November last year, this as they suspect that there are unscrupulous individuals who are using the process to sell stands to undeserving beneficiaries.
Pienaarspoort is situated in the far east of Tshwane and this is where several squatter camp dwellers, including flood victims, have been relocated to by the City of Tshwane over the years as a way of providing them with safer living conditions.
In essence the EFF is demanding transparency in the whole process to stop any corrupt activities.

“We are here to shut down the relocation process because as the EFF we received concerns from members of the community and various squatter camp leaders indicating that there are individuals who are illegally selling stands to undeserving people and that there is no database that confirms that the people who are being relocated to Pienaarspoort are the real beneficiaries who indeed deserve to be allocated stands through this relocation process,” said Tshwane EFF Sub Region 5 leader Bongani Ramontja.
“We want to urge City of Tshwane MMC for Human Settlements Aaron Maluleke to intervene and solve this matter amicably and we need to have a database of all beneficiaries of this relocation process from the City of Tshwane Municipality,” he said.
Ramontja said they were surprised to find out that the relocation process to Pienaarspoort Extension 15 was not bring coordinated from the local office of the Municipality.
“The Community Liason Officer (CLO) revealed that the relocation process is not being coordinated from the local community office, that they just see trucks dumping people and since the relocation is not taking place from this local office then where is it being coordinated from?” asked Ramontja.
“So, it is clear that the CLO’s office is not involved in the relocation process, and this is contrary to established norms and procedure” he said.
“We have therefore put a stop to the relocation process now with immediate effect until we hold a meeting with MMC Maluleke as well as the MEC for Human Settlements in Gauteng, because we don’t want to be surprised by a situation whereby when we are still busy engaging the MMC and the MEC, we see people being dumped here with shacks, without us knowing as to who they are and where they come from, hence the need for a database,” explained Ramoncha .
“We know that the beneficiaries of this relocation process to Extension 15 Pienaarspoort must be squatters from high-risk zones like Mavuso, Soul City, Marikana, K54, Phomolong as well as residents who registered for houses via Form C in 1996 and 1998, together with backroom dwellers of Mamelodi East and West,” enthused Ramontja.
He emphasised that there must be transparency and honesty on the part of the MEC and the MMC regarding the relocation process, and that the testimony of leadership structures of various squatter camps must be utilised as they know the identities of the people who are squatting at their respective informal settlements.

He stressed that Ward Councillors have no idea about the identities of people living in various squatter camps and must not be relied upon when identifying beneficiaries who must be relocated.
He said the EFF would appreciate a smooth, transparent and urgent relocation process because with heavy rains being commonplace these days, the lives of those living in informal settlements might be at risk if they are not moved from the unsafe areas they are living in at the moment.
He said the duty of the Ward Councillors is to sign for the relocation process and that when they appoint coordinators, they must consult the local squatter camp leaders because if they don’t then that will open up a loophole for unscrupulous elements to sell stands to those who want to relocate to Pienaarspoort.
Ramontja challenged the Municipality to reveal measures and plans that have been put in place to avoid a situation whereby corrupt elements would sell stands.
“Black people, don’t be disheartened, we are going to fight this battle on your behalf, we know that you have been marginalised and suppressed, that you are voiceless, but we will deliver the stands to you and restore your dignity,” vowed Ramontja.
Pienaarspoort community leader Thembinkosi Magagula told Tshwane Talks that he is the CLO in the area and that they have been relocating people to the area since 25 November last year.
He denied rumours that some corrupt individuals, including various Councillors, were selling stands to undeserving people in Pienaarspoort.
He admitted that those who are relocated to Pienaarspoort are only offered stands and live inside shacks, but are provided with water and mobile ablution facilities, and that in time the Gauteng government will provide them with electricity and houses.
“What the EFF members are doing is mere politicking as local government elections are around the corner because there is no corruption whatsoever in the relocation process and that it is strange that the EFF is the only party that is complaining about non-existent corruption,” he said.
Around 5000 people are expected to be relocated to Pienaarspoort Extension 15 during this relocation phase.
In response to the EFF’s actions, MMC for Human Settlements in the City of Tshwane Municipality Aaron Maluleka said the following:

“We invite the EFF and all stakeholders to provide any evidence they may have regarding allegations of the sale of stands intended for rightful beneficiaries, because the City of Tshwane takes these allegations seriously and has a dedicated forensic investigative team ready to thoroughly investigate any claims of misconduct.”
Maluleka further stated that he condemned the selling of stands designated for the residents of Mamelodi, particularly those affected by flooding, as well as backyard dwellers and individuals on the housing waiting list.
“We encourage ongoing dialogue and collaboration with all parties involved to uphold accountability and ensure that all actions align with the interests of our community,” said Maluleka.