It is worrying that some highly educated people South Africa are clamouring for this country to be put under the rule of kings and queens.It is fashionable these days for these highly educated people to sit in their comfort zones and carelessly declare that this land must be ruled by monarchs. And they are making all these funny noises because they detest President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Government of National Unity (GNU).
Their inherent hatred for Ramaphosa has driven them to conclude that because their favourite person is no longer at the helm of the South African government, then this country must be ruled by kings and queens. And one of these aforesaid highly educated people is a former judge.
I don’t know why if this former judge and those of his ilk want to be ruled by kings and queens, thye insist on taking all of us along with them to live in servitude under some person we shall not have elected.
As an experiment, let the former judge leave the rest of us alone under the GNU and only take like-minded individuals to a piece of land where they shall live under such an outdated kind of rule.
And if they like it there, then its fine they shall stay there forever but there is no way some of us will join them there.
Kings and queens were overthrown literally and logically by the French Revolution back in the day and it is only a favour that they still exist and are recognised today in South Africa.
Literally speaking, kings were hanged and eliminated in many European countries.
Logically speaking, this dawned upon the rest of the world that kings and queens must be eliminated because no one can be allowed to lord it over citizens who have not elected them and rule them by decree, whereby laws are changed at the drop of a hat depending on the whims of the incumbent king or queen.
And in the event that we have to entertain this idea about being ruled by kings and queens in this country, then a couple of questions arise: which king is going to rule over us? Are we going to choose an ordinary citizen among us and elevate him or her to the status of king or queen? Or is it a Zulu king who is going to rule over us?
Is it a Mopedi king who is going to rule over us? Is it a MoVhenda king who is going to rule over us?
If that is the case then will other tribes allow themselves to be ruled by a king who is not from their own tribe?
Or will each tribe be ruled by its own king, meaning we are going back to the days of Bantustans and tribalism?
Will the Bapedi be ruled by their own king? Will the Batswana be ruled by their own king etc?
Now another question arises: what will happen to Whites, Coloureds, Indians and foreigners? Under which king or queen will they pay allegiance?
Or will that be the time where whites will be thrown into the Atlantic Ocean where those among them with swimming capabilities will hopefully make it to Europe?
And will the Indians be thrown into the Indian Ocean whereby only those among them who can swim will make it to New Delhi?And will the Coloureds be forced to create some enclave, set up a new regime under a king or queen and hopefully live happily under the newly-created regime?
And will this be the time where there will be mass deportation of foreigners from this country because they don’t have a king or queen in this land?
Now dear reader, it is my contention that this whole notion of being ruled by kings and queens is an unworkable and wishful sentiment harboured by people who are longing for something that they don’t know and have not experienced.
Ask those who live under kingdoms and chiefdoms about how life is like under those regimes, and they will tell you that life under those regimes is hellish. These sentiments about giving absolute power to kings and queens are motivated by a desrire to undo what people like Nelson Mandela fought so hard for.
Needless to say, this country was colonised and later turned into various Bantustan enclaves, but it was won back as a united, non- racial, non-tribalist sovereign state under Constitutional rule.