Help find missing Bokang

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By Dimakatso Modipa

missing boy Bokang Baloyi (5) from Phomolong Mamelodi east, Tshwane
missing boy Bokang Baloyi (5) from Phomolong Mamelodi east, Tshwane

The family of Bokang Baloyi (5) in Phomolong section Mamelodi east, Tshwane are pleading for the safe return of little boy who went missing on Thursday afternoon.

The little boy was last seen playing outside his home around 5pm and he has not been seen since.

Speaking to the distress mother Elizabeth Baloyi (42) she told the Tshwane Talks that she went to visit a family member for a day on Thursday afternoon and she left her son with a tenant at home.

When she returned home later she found out that her son is nowhere to be found. They started to search for little Bokang but without any success they couldn’t find him.

“I’m so distress and I did not sleep the whole night worrying about my son whereabouts and I’m pleading for a safe return of my son,” Baloyi said.

She said according to the tenant who stay with them she told her that she was busy cooking and little Bokang was playing in the yard and he was also going out of the yard and come back.

He went out of the yard and thought he will come back but did not return home. The tenant thought he will return as normal but did not return.

“My son always goes out to play and come back and this is the first time my son goes out and not come back,” she said.

Baloyi said this is not the first time she left her son with the tenant. This is the second time and she trusted her because she stayed with them in the same yard and known her for years.

When he went out to play he was last seen wearing grey short pant, camaflouge t- shirt and brown leather scandals.

Family reported him missing at the Mamelodi east police station.

If anyone knows the whereabouts of Bokang Baloyi to please contact the Mamelodi east police or call 10111 or the mother Elizabeth Baloyi on 0835272055

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