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Tebogo Mashilompane Campaign Director Save South Africa Civic Movement
Tebogo Mashilompane Campaign Director Save South Africa Civic Movement

By Tebogo Mashilompane

Campaign Director Save South Africa Civic Movement

Save South Africa Civic Movement note with disappointment the official announcement of the fake marriage between the ANC and DA.

It is now clear that President Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa succumbed to DA’s pressure by even creating a new Ministry of Agriculture.

This ping-pong ministry will advance the suppression of black farmers while advancing the white agenda of refusing to share land with the black people nevertheless returning it back to the rightful owners.

We further question the nonsensical expansion of the cabinet by separating ministries and further adding two deputies in other ministries.

Why does the President put two deputies whereas we all know that the role of deputies is not just ceremonial but redundant?

Deputy Ministers have no Constitutional powers to act in the absence of Ministers, but why then expand the wage bill by creating additional useless deputies.

Save South Africa Civic Movement view this approach by President Ramaphosa as the worst ever in the history of democratic South Africa.

Save South Africa Civic Movement also questions the misplacement of Ministers.

For example, Dr Aaron Motswaledi was doing well as the Home Affairs Minister and all of us were looking forward to seeing him finally getting the ministry right, then he is send back to Health where he was removed while was also doing well there.

Further, why does the President remove Ronald Lamola from the then Justice and Correctional Services and throw him in the red sea?

Lamola has no capacity to lead the country on international matters. However, he (Lamola) was fit and proper in his previous role.

Further shocking decision by the President is that one of appointing the former Minister of Basic Education to defend the entire country as the new Minister of Defence and Military Veterans despite the fact that the Minister has failed to address the issue of low-quality pass aka 30% and failed to come up with a plan to match the performance of private schools.

Minister Motshega failed to eradicate pit toilets in public schools.

Now, a minister who has for over a decade and plus, failed dismally in her portfolio is now rewarded with a Ministry that requires energy, decisiveness, intelligence, proper experience etc.

Clearly, this is a sign that the President and his so-called GNU is not taking the people of this country

Save South Africa Civic Movement is also concerned with this ministry of electricity.

It was our expectation that this ministry will be, scrapped.

To date the ministry of electricity is not well and satisfactory defined to the public.

We are saying Eskom has a Board and CEO and in our view that should be enough.

We further note the hypocrisy by the DA.

The DA was, fuming, and even took ANC to court alleging cadre deployment, but today the very same DA want to put their own DG’s where they have ministerial positions.

It is now clear that the DA has no interest in leading with honesty and integrity.

DA is there to advance the agenda of the white monopoly capital nothing else.

We have witnessed this during their fake marriage negotiations with the ANC.

DA cannot be trusted because they do not have values, integrity and above all they are liars.

Therefore, Save South Africa Civic Movement cannot support a marriage that is, based on lies, dictatorship and advancement of one race under the disguise of a rainbow nation.

Save South Africa Civic Movement further questions the return of “Mkhulu” Samson Mantashe as a Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources, Sisisi Tolashe (Social Development) and Dr Emmanuel Nzimande as a Minister of Science and Technology and Innovation.

This position held by Nzimande requires a fit and proper individual with the skill and passion for technology not an old man who failed to lead and transform Higher Education.

Emmanuel Nzimande failed to address the issues of students in its entirety, from NSFAS, to lack of interest in addressing the challenges of space for the first years.

It was under Blade that students slept on the street in a quest to access tertiary education.

Save South Africa Civic Movement, therefore, rejects this fake marriage between the DA and ANC (DANCe).

We are saying this marriage of convenience aka fake marriage will not be sustainable because the Judases will soon show their true colours.

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