By Tebogo Mashilompane
Campaigns & Communications Director Save South Africa Civic Movement
Save South Africa Civic Movement condemns these barbaric acts of racism by the racist whites who feel that Hartebees belongs to them and nobody else.
Racists in Harties have been consistent with their racial behaviour and attitude.
Whites in this part of North West feels entitled.
There have been many informal complaints by blacks in the area citing the fact that there is even bad attitude and bad treatment in restaurants owned by whites.
Some people mentioned that there were indirectly kicked out of restaurants by being told that what they were looking for is not available in the restaurant meanwhile it was available.
The level of racism in Harties and other whites dominated areas in Northwest is appalling. Whites, there feel entitled.
This pre-meditated incident of burning down the restaurant of a black business owner, Mr Thabiso Mathibedi is one among many acts of racism that are taking place in Harties.
Save South Africa is worried with this type of behaviour because it creates a room for retaliation. It is just a matter of time before the black people in the area retaliates.
So, Save South Africa Civic Movement in the province calls on all black people to isolate and stop supporting restaurants that are owned by whites in Harties and in the province.
We call on blacks who are majority in this province to spend their money where they will be, treated with dignity and customer services.
We also call on the Department of Home Affairs to do identity inspection in these racists’ restaurants since they employ illegal foreigners in addition to being racists.
We further call for the reopening of the TRC in order to deal directly with the growing elements of apartheid that disguises as a choice and preference.
Lastly, Save South Africa will be meeting with the black business owners in Harties and the province in the coming week.
We urge those who are experiencing racism to contact Save SA on the following email: info@savesa.org.za