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By Dimakatso Modipa

One of the three men accused of killing five-year old Ditebogo Phalane is an illegal foreigner.

This is according to a media statement released by NPA Gauteng Regional Spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana on Tuesday.

The 29-year-old illegal foreigner, namely Nido Gumbo, is from Mozambique.

He appeared in the Pretoria North Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday together with his two co-accused Elia Moeko

(36) and Ali Sithole (30).

All three men are facing a charge of murder and robbery with aggravating circumstances, according to Mahanjana.

Gumbo will also face an additional charge of being in the country illegally.

“It is alleged that on 10 May 2024, the accused three men shot and killed a five-year old boy Ditebogo Phalane junior while they were robbing his father of his vehicle in Soshanguve,” said Mahanjana.

Mahanjana said after investigations by the Directorate of Priority Crime Detection unit, led by Major General Khumalo, the accused men were arrested at Pretoria North Police Station on 23 May, where they had been in custody regarding other crimes not related to the murder of young Ditebogo Phalane.

The accused, Gumbo, Moeko and Sithole have abandoned their bail applications and admitted to the court that they have several cases pending against them.

The said pending cases against Moeko are possession of a firearm and possession of unlicensed ammunition, while cases pending against Sithole entail possession of a firearm, possession of unlicensed ammunition, attempted murder and robbery with aggravating circumstances .

On top of all these cases, Moeko has yet another series of cases pending against him at the Atteridgeville Magistrate’s Court, where he will be charged with possession of a prohibited firearm and ammunition.

Pending cases against Gumbo at the Atteridgeville Magistrate’s Court also involve possession of a prohibited firearm and ammunition.

“The three accused’s case for the murder of Ditebogo Phalane has been postponed to 27 August 2024 for further investigation by the police and a decision on the matter by the Director of Public Prosecutions,” announced Mahanjana.

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