The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) welcomes the signing of the wage agreement with Almar Investments.
Almar Investments in the North West which is based in Wonderkop signed the agreement with the union.
It is a company that specialises in earth moving equipment and does a lot of work in the mining sector.
NUMSA has signed a three year wage agreement which is above inflation and is a minimum of 7% increase for each year of the agreement.
This falls in line with NUMSA’s values as a trade union which are to defend the socio-economic rights of workers.
We always seek to improve the lives of workers and their families and this wage agreement reflects that.
The agreement is broken down in the following way:
1.NUMSA secured a 7% increase for the first year of the agreement and this is implementable from the 1st of March 2024 and ends on the 28th of February 2025. (Wages will be back dated from 1 March and this will be paid to workers. It will be calculated from 13 February until 12th of June).
2.NUMSA secured a 7,5% increase from 1 March 2025 until 28 February 2026.
3.NUMSA secured a 7% increase from 1 March 2026 until 28 February 2027 which is when the agreement expires.
4.The site allowances shall be increased in line with the across the board increases which have been secured for each year of the agreement.
5.A Task Team comprising of both NUMSA and management will be set up to negotiate Risk Allowances, Housing allowance and Full Time Shop steward Agreement, and that negotiations must be concluded within 6 months, counting from the date of signing the current new wage agreement
The NUMSA General Secretary Irvin Jim said, “This is a major achievement for the union, and we thank our sector coordinators, and NUMSA staff for their hard work in securing such a progressive increase for workers.
We call on all workers at Almar Investments to join NUMSA in numbers because we work harder than any other union, to improve conditions and benefits for workers”.