ELF-SA president Hulisani Mani officially cutting a ribbon at Pella village and open a borehole joined by NEC members photo by Dimakatso Modipa
Economic Liberators Forum-South Africa (ELF-SA) President Hulisani Mani told the party’s supporters at Pella region in North West that it can’t be businesses as usual in South Africa as South Africans have the power to correct the political situation in the country through the ballot box.
Mani was speaking at the handing over of a borehole to the community of Pella in North West on Wednesday afternoon.
There were tears of joy and happiness all over at Pella after they officially handed over the boreholes to the community.
Residents did not waste time they started to get water immediately.
ELF-SA build a borehole for the residents of Pella after learning they been suffering with water crisis for the past 30 years.
He was joined by NEC liberators, ward councilors, branch chairperson, ELF-SA members and community members at large.
Mani acknowledged the stance taken by old and young people to stop standing and watching while those in charge of the country were destroying it and want to define their own future themselves.

Happy residents drinking water from the borehole ELF-SA build for the community of Pella village photo by Dimakatso Modipa
“We started ELF-SA because we were concerned about the direction this country was taking,” he said.
“We had a choice to fold our arms and do nothing about the situation, but as liberators we took a posture to say we can’t sit in corners and complain, but organised ourselves so that we can reclaim the country back to its people,” said Mani.
“Those who fought for this democracy in this country did so with the purpose of making sure that all of us have an equal chance to succeed, but we are living in a country where only those who are connected have a chance of succeeding,” he said.
“This is not what the struggle activists fought for and this situation can’t be allowed to continue because South Africans have the power to correct what is happening now in the country as it can’t be business as usual,” said Mani vehemently.
“We need to conscientise all South Africans that we have a choice to correct the current circumstances through the ballot box,” he said.
“It can’t be correct that when we elect people to go and serve us, we instead end up serving them as the community, we end up worshipping them and paying bribes to them so that they may serve us,” said an irate Mani.
He said those in government have been elected to serve the people but now the people of this country need to pay them in order to access services and that can’t be correct.
“As ELF-SA we say we want to create a government that is going to be a government of the people and what we are building today is a party that will take over the government in the next ten years,” he said
“The plan to take over the government needs all of us to come together and reclaim what is rightfully ours, which is the government of this country,” said Mani.
“It can’t be that thirty years into democracy we are still discussing the issue of lack of water, which is a basic human right and this shows that this government has failed,” said Mani.
“If they failed to give us water for thirty years, then what about the much-needed jobs?” said Mani.
He said it is possible to build a country where no one will leave in poverty and where everyone will have access to better health care,” he said.

ELF-SA liberator drinking water from the borehole photo by Dimakatso Modipa
“Our people are dying in queues our people are dying while waiting for ambulances and this is not what our people fought for,” said Mani.
“We are told that South Africa belongs to all of us but the majority of us don’t benefit from the fruits of democracy as we are visitors in our own land, we are starving in our own land while foreigners live in luxury and 29 May is the day on which we can change our fate,” said Mani.
“We may not win the elections, but we will send a strong message to the government that it is possible to remove them,” he said.
He said when they came to Pella area they were told that there are people who don’t have water yet the area is very rich in resources which benefit people and foreigners who loot these resources” said Mani.
“We are going to provide free agricultural training to the people of Pella and all that is needed is the hands and time of the Pella community,” said Mani.
He said ELF-SA wants to create a situation whereby those who are not working are the ones who are lazy because they will afford everyone a chance to succeed.
Mani pointed out that Pella area has fertile land, and its people are supposed to be millionaires because of the land and not poor at all.
He appealed to the community of Pella to start creating jobs for themselves instead of relying on other people.
He emphasised the fact that the rich people are rich because the poor buy items from them.
“When we produce our own products, we are creating jobs for ourselves and we must stop buying onions and tomatoes from other people and create our own economy,” he said.
“We were lied to that things will be provide for us and that jobs will be created for us, yet we have been waiting for thirty years and nothing has happened in this regard,” he said.
“We are fighting against each other, we are stealing from one another, and we pay bribes to get jobs, all because of poverty,” said Mani.
He said the only enemy is poverty and that it can be defeated through united action.
“I am telling you; no one is going to save us except ourselves, no one is going to liberate us except ourselves,” emphasised Mani as he pointed out that it is possible for black people to build their own economy.
One resident, Elizabeth Morake expressed joy that ELF-SA has erected a borehole for the residents of Pella and that they will never again suffer water crisis. and thanked Mani and his party for the gracious initiative.
ELF-SA Ward 18 Councilor Boy-Boy Daniel Ngakane told Tshwane Talks that since 1994 they have been suffering from water crisis as they have been receiving muddied water which they can’t use.
“I would like to thank President Hulisani Mani for building a borehole for the residents and I hope that they will vote for him come 29 May general elections,” he said.
“ELF-SA helped us a lot and we are very grateful and appreciate it and we will never suffer with water crisis again and we will never buy water again and we suffered far to long for the past 30 years in this democracy,” said resident of Pella, Nkele Moepela (42).
we are very happy, and we will never go thirsty again and the money we used to buy water we will save it for our children’s and we will bath, drink, cook and clean and my vote goes to ELF-SA,” said happy Dineo Mtshweni.
“ELF-SA is the best and we never ever had a political party that did something so special and precious, and we will never spend money or walk long distance to get water and thank you ELF-SA and i want to encourage the community of Pella to go out there and vote for ELF-SA,” Adries Nkwetla.