Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema has vowed to get rid of notorious criminal gang Boko Haram in Mamelodi.
“If you elect EFF into power in the 29 May general elections, we will get rid of criminal gang Boko Haram which is terrorising the community of Mamelodi,” he said.
Malema made this bold statement in Mamelodi last week during a Workers Day rally on 1 May held in Mthunzini Park SNS in Mamelodi east, Tshwane.
“The streets of Mamelodi are no longer safe to walk in as there is a criminal gang called Boko Haram which has taken over control of the streets and do as they wish,” he said.
“This gang goes about killing people at will and even the police are afraid of it,” said Malema.

“Tell Boko Haram that we as the EFF will get rid of it, reclaim the streets of Mamelodi and give them back to the residents,” said Malema.
He stressed that children must not be afraid to play in the streets because of fear of Boko Haram and that learners must also not be afraid to visit institutions of learning at night when they want to study because of Boko Haram.
“This tendency by Boko Haram to go about demanding 30% shares from businesses is encouraged by ANC Councilors who work with these gangsters,” said Malema.

“I once saw video footage of Boko Haram members shooting at one another outside a police station in Mamelodi and to my surprise I saw the police running away and locking themselves inside the police station,” lamented Malema.
“This is because the police of Mamelodi work together with Boko Haram, which uses police vehicles to transport nyaope and other drugs,” he said.
Malema pointed out that Mamelodi police know of houses wherein nyaope and other drugs are sold but are doing nothing about the matter because they work together with people who sell those drugs.
“When we take over the government, we are going to get rid of police officers who work in cahoots with Boko Haram and bring in those who will fight against the gang,” he said.
He emphasised that if Boko Haram is heavily armed, then they will bring on the Special Task Force unit of the police to take Boko Haram out once and for all.
Malema pointed out that the Special Task Force unit recently managed to kill members of a criminal gang called Jerusalema which was responsible for cash-in-transit heists in Venda, Limpopo Province.