Notorious gangs who are allegedly using a Boko Haram name to spark fear in people lives are making Heatherly flats residents in Nellmapius Ext 22, life a living hell.
The gangs are terrorising the community at the block of flats by wielding guns and threatening people who do not speak the Mamelodi lingo to pay heavy fine money for living in the area and they also target woman and disability people.
Residents say the gang forcefully evict them from their flats and assault them if they don’t pay money to the thugs.
It is alleged that the gang sells the very same flats to other occupants after eviction.
They sell a flat from R15 000 thousand rand and they charge R2500 upward for monthly rent.
In 2021 flats were sold for R1500, the amount increased to R3000 in 2022. Since 2023 the flats are sold from R15 000 upwards.
The gangs are now demanding R500 for the” so called services” from the residents and given a deadline to resident until 7 January 2024 and those who don’t pay will be evicted. Some residents end up paying the money for the “so called services” fearing the eviction.
Residents say since 2021 they been paying R150 for services to the so-called gang and they claim the money is for services like cleaning the yard.
The gang also promised to build a wall for security. All these promises have never been fulfilled.
When they invaded the flats; there was no service delivery and government was not willing to offer services. The residents of block A, B and C held meetings separately and each block contributed money and bought cables to connect electricity, bought pipes to connect water and have flushing toilets.
Residents said the reason they invaded the flats was because they have been on the government RDP waiting list for a long time while they were living in four-roomed family houses that are crowded with no privacy and were tired of renting small places and paying rent to landlords.
Residents talked to media out of fear, and some are afraid to come out and speak fearing for their lives and eviction.
The alleged gang are calling themselves executive, but they are extorting money to benefit their own pockets and are working with the group of women.
Residents accuse the ringleader who is known as Rashid and his hooligans for extortion at the flats.
One victim fearing for his life, Gaopelo Ngwatoane, told Tshwane Talks that he started staying at the flats since 2019 when the flats were invaded.
He invaded the flats because he was tired of paying rent while there were empty flats, and we were worried that thugs and drugs addict would use them as their drug den and vandalized them.
Ngwatoane says “late last year 2023 the “so called Boko Haram gang” started terrorising people at the flats and demanding more money anytime and selling flats and started to evict people who are not from Mamelodi,” he said.
Ngwatoane says Rashid came to him numerous times with his hooligans trying to extort money from him and tried to kick him out but failed.
On 2 January 2024 his flat was broken into, furniture thrown out and he was assaulted, intimidated, threaten by Rashid and his hooligans who wanted him to pay a fine of R7 000 because he is not from Mamelodi, and he does not speak the Mamelodi lingo.
“I will not pay the money to the hooligans. The municipality is not asking us for money and when I first started to stay here, I was never informed about my accent.
“I believe this protection order will protect me from the extortion and I am pleading with law enforcement to help us at the flats because our lives are in danger on a daily basis,” says Ngwatoane.
Ngwatoane said many people who are living at the flats are not working and most are depending on social grants and R350 grants to survive.
Another victim, a Sepedi speaking lady who refused to be named, said she was forcefully kicked out in October by Rashid and his gangsters.
She was staying with her blind child and her cousin. Rashid insulted her and swore at her telling her to move without any valid reason.
“I was tired of all the insults and swearing so I decided to move out in peace for the sake of the safety of my blind child even though I was always paying the R150 on time and never missed a payment. I want my flat back,” she said.
Another victim, a resident of Mamelodi, said he left in peace at the flats after his flat was broken into and furniture thrown out because his flat was sold to another person. He is born and breed in Mamelodi but was evicted because of money.
“I left in peace, and I won’t fight it. All I am asking is for government to intervene and protect the people staying at the flats,” he said.
“I don’t have money and it’s January and they forcefully demand R500 from me and I must buy school uniform and I don’t know where I will get the money from,” anonymous said.
Tshwane Talks contacted the alleged gang leader Rashid who said this initiative is a community-based decision and he is only representing what community members of Heatherly want.

Tshwane District SAPS Warrant Officer Johannes van Dyk said the community is encouraged to register cases with police to allow the law to take its course and they can also report criminal activities anonymously on MySapsApp and crime stop line at 08600 10111.
Gauteng Department of Human Settlement spokesperson Tahir Seema said the office of the MEC was not aware of this matter.
“It is important to note that people who invade these units are not on the department database\ waiting list. “Plans are in place to address the challenges in Nellmapius, we are not at liberty to reveal these plans for now, for fear that it may jeopardise our efforts,” Seema said.
He said the department of human settlement would like to encourage the community of Nellmapius to report the “hooligans” selling the flats to the department on 0800 701 701 or email EthicsDHS@gauteng.gov.za