The City of Tshwane has emphatically stated that it can’t do anything regarding the issue of contracted labourers who are now out of work.
These ordinary labourers were working for a waste removal company whose contract has been terminated by the City of Tshwane with effect from 15 July 2024.
This as these companies could not meet the new required standards set by the municipality to work either as main contractors or sub-contractors in the removing of waste in Tshwane.
“It goes without saying that the terminated waste removal contract was between the City of Tshwane and the said company and not with the labourers, so at no stage can the City of Tshwane be mingled into the affairs of a private company and its employees,” read the response from Tshwane after Tshwane Talks made queries in this regard early on Monday morning.
Now to further distance itself from the issue of the ordinary out-of-work labourers, the City’s statement reads further in this fashion:
“Secondly, you are advised to ask for a written proof whereby the city committed to take over or raised expectations to employ workers of a private company and you will find there is none whatsoever.”.
In conclusion, the statement reads as follows:
“Lastly, for work opportunities unemployed people are advised to apply so that they can be included in the programne’s data base.”
This last part of the statement comes after Tshwane Talks highlighted the fact that the out-of- work ordinary labourers were calling for their inclusion in the EPWP programne so that they will be able to make ends meets.
Meanwhile, the out-of- work labourers told Tshwane Talks on Monday morning that the feel like they have been used and exploited by the municipality because they used to work during dangerous Covid-19 days while many employees of the City of Tshwane were safely sitting at home to avoid being infected by the disease.
They told Tshwane Talks that each time there was a strike by municipal workers they were used as scab labourers who worked while striking workers had abandoned their duties.
The labourers also decried the fact that the new waste removal companies are employing people who are outside of Mamelodi while they as residents of Mamelodi are willing to work but remain jobless.
They also said that on top of being reinstated to their positions, they want to be unsourced as permanent City of Tshwane employees.
One of the out-of-work labourers Lucas Sachez told Tshwane Talks that he started working in September 2020 for waste removal the waste removal company whose contract has just been terminated.
“There is no other place where I can be employed other than here at City of Tshwane as a waste collector, and it really hurts to see that I have been kicked out of work,” he lamented.
“All that I want is to be reinstated to my job,” he said.
Another labourer told Tshwane Talks the following: “I started working here as a waste collector in 2012 and when the contracts of the company was terminated on 15 July, we as ordinary labourers were not given termination-of-duty letters,” he said.
“We are aggrieved that our jobs have been taken over by people from as far as Benoni while we are jobless and when we demand our jobs back the TMPD fires teargas at us,” he lamented.
He revealed that new waste removal contractors like one Zungisa and Vali are discouraging new subcontractors from employing them as residents of Mamelodi.
“We want to be insourced, this as we have been working here for over twenty years,” said yet another worker”
How am I going to pay rent and meet my daily needs if I am not working,” said a disgruntled lady labourer.
Another labourers told Tshwane Talks that he has been working as a waste collector for over fifteen years and was therefore appealing to the mayor Cilliers Brink to insource them once-and-for-all.
The labourers also appealed to Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi to intervene on their behalf on this matter as they (labourers) voted for him in the recent general elections.
Another lady labourer blamed two individuals, for the mess that they as labourers find themselves in today.
She said they as labourers wanted to meet and talk with the two individuals who ruin everything, but the two guys bolted away in their cars before they could discuss the plight of City of Tshwane labourers.
A disgruntled lady labourer who said she was nearing retirement said it would be better if the municipality would include them in the EPWP programne commonly known as ” Tlhaba- Tlhaba, so that they would get some income before eventually going on pension.
The labourers, who are about 200 in number, have been meeting in solidarity every day next to the municipality offices (Mini Munitoria) in Mamelodi West since news broke out that their services were no longer required as new waste removal companies will be taking over and bringing in new labourers to replace them.
Up to so far, no municipal official has come out to meet them, but they have nevertheless vowed to gather every day in protest outside the Mini Munitoria until they are reinstated to their jobs.